Let’s talk about the role of a Modern Priestess!
Well, I believe there are three kinds of Priestesses out there:
Public priestesses
Devotional Priestesses
Stealth Priestesses
(You can learn more about these in my free guidebook here)
Devotional Priestesses keep their practice private, and Stealth Priestesses covertly bring their particular Priestess skills to all sorts of every day situations…
… but Public Priestesses are the ones that come to mind when we think priestess.
The role of a Modern Priestess is to be the anchor of the Goddess on Earth.
This changes for everyone’s personal flavour of priestessing – Magdalene priestesses are here to be an embodied anchor of the Magdalene on us, and us Avalon priestesses are here to be an embodied anchor of Avalon on earth.
What does the phrase “embodied anchor” mean?
It means to live the energy of what you are in devotion to, and be an anchor of that on earth. Your intention is to bring MORE of this beautiful divine energy into the earth, and you allow yourself to be the vessel for that.
There are so many ways to do this, and this doesn’t have to be public.
I’m a part-time Aphrodite Priestess. I’d consider myself a devotional priestess for her because my Aphrodite work is mostly private, personal and for me. I anchor and embody Aphrodite in my life by working with tantric exercises to amplify and stoke my shakti, by creating beautiful things (even when it’s a right hassle to make it more beautiful) and through practicing full expression of my true nature, which is very Aphrodite-esque.
(Often embodiment is unconscious and effortless – when you realise and lean into who you are, you will see that you are often an anchor for the goddess you hang out with all the time!)
As a Priestess of Morgan le Fay, I listen and do what she tells me to do. I anchor Avalon by having instilled the values of Avalon as my own value system – non-competitive, non-hierarchical, holding space for shadow etc. – and living what I consider to be the Values of Avalon in the world. (You can read about these in my Arts of Avalon freebie.) I work magic and challenge myself to go beyond my comfort zone to realise my desires.
I practice publicly as a Priestess of Morgan through holding circles and ceremonies, creating transformational spaces, and teaching and guiding others on their Priestess Path. That’s how I anchor Avalon, that’s how I embody Morgan le Fay.
Two different kinds of priestessing – one inner, and one outer.
Both are equal – there is no hierarchy in this world. Both are valuable.
And, to be a Public Priestess – to hold those ceremonies and circles and transformational spaces – you need to have a specific set of skills.
Not just anyone can show up and rock a ritual. You need training and time to deepen into the skills that make MAGIC, because there is a specific priestessing skill set.
I’m actually REALLY passionate about that. I’ve been to enough lacklustre rituals and rubbish women’s circles to really understand that it all falls apart without the right training.
But you can learn everything you need to know to be a really badass, transformational, authentic and useful public priestess and be the loving hands of the Goddess in your community.
And because I am a nerd who is so passionate about there being legions of utterly badass undeniable transformation-working Priestesses out there, I teach you how to discover your secret sauce as a priestess and cultivating it into something DELICIOUS you can share with others as your service.
Would you take on the role of a modern Priestess and be an anchor of living Avalon energy, actively at work in the world?