There seems to be two sides to Avalon shenanigans in the modern new-age/pagan world. Sometimes it looks like Christianity vs the Goddess.
One side is very firmly pre-Christian, working with the welsh myths and what we know of the druids and connecting with the goddess to re-weave a modern story of Avalon…
… and the other side that weaves in Christian myths to their Avalon experience: myths like the Magdalene visiting Avalon after the crucifixion, and the holy days of the church becoming a part of their Avalonian practice.
I get it.
A lot of our modern Avalon myths come from the middle ages. The clerics that wrote these stories down took these pagan legends and folk tales and told them through their Christian bias – whether the stories had evolved naturally by then to reflect the Christianity of the day, or the clerics themselves were doing some sneaky story doctoring, I don’t know.
(There are some theories that the folks who wrote them down were actually druids or the descendants of the druids who were working undercover to preserve ancient wisdom…. but in my mind that’s some wishful AF thinking that can only be looked at with a serious side eye)
So the stories we are left from our Celtic past, the landscape of the otherworld and the faery women and Arthur the sun god and all his knights and noble quests for integration with the divine feminine… all that stuff is put through a Christian lens, and we have to sift for the deeper symbolism when we read the Arthurian tales and the welsh myths from the Mabinogion (… in which Arthur pops up a bunch too. He was an important guy.)
Actually one of the most important people in the modern revival of Avalon, our trailblazing magician and High Priestess Dion Fortune, wasn’t pagan in the way we think of today. Her group the Fraternity of the Inner Light didn’t worship the goddess, and they were not witchy or pagan – in fact, Dion Fortune formed the group because she decided that the Theosophist lodge she was a part of not Christian enough for her.
She was VERY Jesusy.
And a lot of the Avalonian teachings that come from Dion Fortune naturally have a very Christian emphasis.
So in our modern world, since Dion Fortune is such a big player in modern Avalonian occultism, there is a lot of Christian stuff in there, it isn’t Christianity vs the Goddess.
Being real, the Christian edge of stuff isn’t my thing. I’m not interested really – I didn’t grow up Christian so there isn’t a need to reclaim or heal or tie-in things from my youth, and I just think goddesses and faery queens and whatever the OG beliefs of the British isles were are a lot more interesting.
That’s why in Morgan le Fay Mystery school we don’t focus on the explicitly Christian tales of Avalon and we obsess on our girl Morgan le Fay. She’s pagan as hell, all sex and death and magic and wisdom. She’ll see us right.
If you want the Christian stuff, there are lots of people who blend that together really skilfully – Alliance Avalonia, Annabel du Boulay and Mara Freeman (to an extent, since she is in the Dion Fortune school of Avalon) do that, so if you are into that kind of thing you can hunt them down.
But in our mystery school, and our Priestess of Avalon training, we focus on the Goddess of Avalon, guided by Morgan le Fay.
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